
Showing posts from January, 2018

Reinventing the Wheel

This week continued the trend of finding new ways to represent the world of re[Mod]. I did a plethora of additional mood paintings and sketches, to help flesh out possible unique areas within the multiplayer map to help break up repetition of areas. Following the painter-over of a greybox test of the new map delivered by a designer, I analyzed the geometry to determine a rough estimate of what kinds of assets we would need to complete the basic structure of the environment. One final addition to our repertoire of inspiration was a poster for the show I created using some extra time. I felt it was important to get a feel for the "culture" of this game show. Io thought it would be amusing to contrast the gratuity of the of the shows content with a highly marketable set of characters to bring in crowds.

A New Team

This week was the start of my environment work for re[Mod]. Because the environment needs to be completely redone, Tyler, the returning artist from last semester, has given me complete creative freedom on the new environment. My first priority was to find a new mood for the world- at present, it just feels boring. It's much too bright, with little lighting or design interest. I assembled a mood board that would help inspire a new style, with a slightly darker and more dynamic feel. I put a special focus on interesting color combinations, and "arena" type environments to provide inspiration appropriate to the context of our game. The next step is to find ways to incorporate these ideas into our game- I started this with a paint-over of our current map in a more visually interesting style.