Maximum Efficiency

This week, I faced head on the issues of asset inefficiency in our maps- We were using 40 thousand assets for a scene that could be done in less than 10 thousand. This was mostly accomplished by simply fixing and remaking some prefabs, so that areas that once used 3 tile pieces now only used one. This was an easy process for the main arena map- not so for the lobby area, which due to a busted prefab had to be changed manually. While I was there, I finished updating the materials and colors on the lobby as well. I think it looks miles better now.

I also used new meshes to update the look of the towers, to pull back the overly modular look, and added actual assets for the floodlights illuminating the space.

Finally, I worked on the 1V1 level. These changes consisted of similar efficiency updates, replacing meshes where I could. I finally did a final props pass, fixed the stadium lighting, and did one final lighting pass to make sure it was looking good.


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